Wildfarmed Sourdough

In my last newsletter I introduced my new brownies, they were my first product to use Wildfarmed flour and I’m excited to be introducing another one now:

A lighter sourdough with a gorgeous chewy crust. This loaf brings together white, wholemeal and a touch of rye to show off the amazing qualities of Wildfarmed flour.

Sourdough has been at the heart of the bakery since I opened last year so I knew that, if I wanted to bring another one to the table, it had to be special.

Wildfarmed flour is exactly that and I’m very happy to have perfected the recipe for this new loaf.

By farming using techniques which prioritise the health of the soil, the ecosystem of farms and the future of our planet, they have created flours which seem to teem with life.

All those gorgeous bubbles are caused by my sourdough starter fermenting in the atmosphere of a bread dough made with healthy flour.

Soil health

What we eat is only as healthy as the soil it grows in. For decades we have been ploughing our fields and pouring chemical fertilisers into them. As a result, we are losing topsoil at an unprecedented rate, growing less nutritious food and stripping the soil of the microbial life that we depend on.

Wildfarmed have developed a system of growing crops which not only doesn’t damage the soil, but it helps to restore it. And a healthy soil will sequester more carbon, support more life, provide more nutrients to crops and (as if I’ve got this far through the newsletter without mentioning it) create delicious bread.

If the past week has made you think a little bit more about the future of our planet, and what we might do as individuals to help, I really recommend checking out Wildfarmed. I believe they represent some of the fundamental changes that we need to make as a global community to ensure a healthy future for all life on this planet.

Once you’ve read through their website, I’d also love for you to give my new loaves a try! They are available from next Wednesday and will hopefully be joined by even more Wildfarmed products in the coming months.

Have a great weekend,
